I’m sitting in a client’s office and just two cubicles away, this guy is on the phone with another guy trying to troubleshoot something.

“Hello? Yah, yah? What is wrong?”

Few seconds later…

“Oh, can you go inside? Erm… edit the file?”

Few seconds later…

“Yah, use pico open the file.”

One or two seconds later…

“Pico don’t have? What you use? Nano? Don’t use nano. You try pico?”

Few seconds later…

“No pico? Install pico and try?”

Few seconds later…

“OK, you call back. Yah. OK, thanks, bye.”

So he concluded the guy used the wrong editor? πŸ˜› Few minutes later, he makes a call to someone else.

“Hi, yah, er, ask you ah, how you see the Linux is 386 or 686 or x64?”

Two seconds later..

“Oh like that ah. Use you-name lah. OK. Then, then… like that I cannot install the 386 on 64bit lah?”

Wahlaueh, it drives me nuts just listening to the conversation πŸ˜› Heng I don’t have to work with these people.