Author Justin Lee

Planning your property purchase

Many people do not know that planning for a property purchase can take up to a year or more. Without proper planning, many people are stuck after making the wrong move. Here are some common mistakes: – Buying a property before… Continue Reading →

How to buy a cheap(er) car: Will COE fall in 2015?

We have an old car in the family expiring next year, and I’m sure everybody out there is wondering the same — will COE fall? My personal opinion is that it may fall a wee bit (Category A at around… Continue Reading →

Buying is easy

But letting go is not. I spent several weekends in August tidying up old PCs and other computer hardware, hopeful that it would benefit some people. One laptop went to a needy family. That was easy, because it’s a small laptop… Continue Reading →

Investment portfolio review

Earlier this year I wrote about the lessons I’ve learnt and how I’ll be reshuffling my investment portfolio; the year has come to an end so it is time for my annual review. I’ve reduced the losses on my CPF… Continue Reading →

One year of financial progress; Tracking your net worth

I’ve made effort to track my expenses over the last few years. This meant keeping a record every time I took money or a credit card out of my wallet. It is a tedious process, and gets sloppy at times. At… Continue Reading →

Buying Mobile Phones in Singapore

There’s been a piece of news recently where a Vietnamese tourist who made only $200/month had to kneel down to beg on his knees to get a refund of his money for an iPhone 6. I think a lot of people still do… Continue Reading →

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