Author Justin Lee

Why hybrids aren’t selling

I’m not going to talk about EVs because they present a charging and power distribution challenge. However, there are quite some hybrids on the road now. But why hybrid cars still aren’t selling as well as traditional gasoline? First, batteries… Continue Reading →

Buying insurance

Most of us would have purchased some insurance policies by now. If you haven’t, you need to start looking! Basic healthcare insurance in Singapore is relatively inexpensive and can even be paid with CPF money, but some of us may… Continue Reading →

Know your Net Worth

I’m probably having what you may call the “mid-life crisis”. Screw that, probably this really is it — it is when you often sit down at the coffee shop with a cup of Kopi-O and think about all the things… Continue Reading →

BMW Buyer vs Public Transport Fan?

I read this article and couldn’t resist my urge to bang wall. Comparison of extremes First, the example of an expensive $220K BMW 3-series is a little way off the charts as a basis for comparison against public transport…. Continue Reading →

On car loans again

I just read this article. I found this statement by Tan Huey Min, general manager of Credit Counselling Singapore a little misleading: Over the long run, if you pay off the loan in eight years, the amount you have paid… Continue Reading →

Writing reinforces knowledge

I haven’t been blogging for a while. A lot of blogging activities actually shifted to Facebook. The same goes for many of my friends who used to blog; their blogs have been deserted and their last posts date way back… Continue Reading →

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