Author Justin Lee

Budget 2013 and what it means to the Singapore Car Buyer, part 2

This is a continuum to my earlier post: Budget 2013 and what it means to the Singapore Car Buyer. Bank interests up So one of the predictions have already come true: Bank interests are up across the board. Here’s the… Continue Reading →

The truth about offsetting loans with investments

I’ve often heard people say it is easy to overcome the low car loan interest rates. While it may be 1.88%, the effective interest rate is much higher than that, about 4%. And people will tell me that it is… Continue Reading →

Budget 2013 and what it means to the Singapore Car Buyer

Many interesting debates sparked off when the Singapore Budget 2013 was released, but it seems the change in regulation related to the local automotive industry made the biggest impact, especially to those who have been waiting and waiting to buy… Continue Reading →

2013: Resolutions

I like my resolutions being a bit open ended. Some people like a fixed achievement, e.g. lose 5kg, save $10,000. Those I would call goals; multiple goals can be derived from a single resolution. To me, resolutions are meant to… Continue Reading →

Facebook Page for Noisy Neighbours Issues in Singapore

It has come to a point where I decided to spam the MPs and create a public page on Facebook. I’m posting this here so hopefully people with similar issues will find it, post their issues and show the real… Continue Reading →

Oppa PHP Style

It’s been some time ever since I’ve done much serious coding and decided to get myself updated… with Korean music. Just joking. I’ve been doing some research on PHP frameworks. My primary requirements were that the framework supported MVC (most… Continue Reading →

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