Author Justin Lee

Life is like a cuppa kopi

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned… Continue Reading →

Image and Social Status

I had a discussion with wifey while driving home from dinner today that no matter how we tell ourselves not to judge a book by its cover, it’s only human that we do. Afterall we have two eyes. (This is… Continue Reading →


Had a picnic with wifey, Francis and girlfriend last Saturday morning. I volunteered to prepare egg mayo (just the filling) since Francis would be getting melons, parma ham and bread. We arrived together at the Botanical Gardens at 9.30AM, found… Continue Reading →


Very low class song, but also very true about girls nowadays. Here’s the best part… sing with alternate lyrics. I didn’t make this up BTW, my chinese not so powerful. Got this off one of the comments. If you can’t… Continue Reading →

Inflation vs Interest Rates in Singapore

So 2010 inflation was at 2.8%, and this year the government estimates it to be at 4%. I’m actually wondering how these figures came about. (JJ, I know you’re reading this. Please enlighten – you can leave a private comment… Continue Reading →

Ten Habits of Incompetent Managers

Good read:

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