Very low class song, but also very true about girls nowadays.

Here’s the best part… sing with alternate lyrics. I didn’t make this up BTW, my chinese not so powerful. Got this off one of the comments.

If you can’t stand the singing from the YouTube video, I’ve created a minus-one midi here.

走在馬路上 ,一個個孤單女郎,
總以為比男人強, 卻要男人養!


你又沒有乳房, 更別說有長相,
我爸爸他也勸你, 快點回家鄉!

假如你沒乳房, 假如你也沒長相,

我有把槍, 一公尺長, 但不想破你的痔瘡!
你就算在臉上化上了濃妝, 做雞也只能當媽媽桑!

你沒乳房, 也沒有長相, 休想哥我跟你上床!
我他媽寧願捐到精子銀行, 也不願意射在你們的臉上!