Our female hamster gave birth to a litter of seven pups on the morning of Aug 22, 2009! The pups are 3 days old now and mummy hamster just happened to carry them over to somewhere else where I could take some good shots.
I sneaked up on the pups and took the shots while the mother was busy elsewhere carrying the other pups over.
Aren’t they so amusing? They’re so small, you can’t really see the mouth… not until one yawns!
It seems the mother’s only interested in eating while the babies suckle away for some milk!
August 26, 2009 at 6:47 pm
i’ve witnessed my hammie eating one o its babies once -.- it was chewing off e head n eating it like food. aye, i do feed them. a lot o food n water supply -.-
August 25, 2009 at 2:13 pm
I can see that the babies are bearing the father’s traits of sleeping by their postures 😛