Author Justin Lee

How to buy a used car in Singapore

I have several friends asking me for advise on their car purchases — especially used ones because the process is more complicated, so I have decided to write a guide instead of having to repeat over and over again. Disclaimer:… Continue Reading →

Why status fields must die

I’m sure we have seen this happen: A programmer forgets to add a status = 1 condition/check to an SQL query and the app disintegrates. Status fields can be useful in some ways especially if the range of values are large,… Continue Reading →

Is it possible to have $100k by 30?

Oh yes, another controversial article by The Straits Times. I like such articles, because it gives me an opportunity to write. Read: Is it possible to have $100k by 30? It’s easy to say that we should save 20%, or… Continue Reading →

The truth about power banks

Ever wondered why your 4,000mAh may not even charge your 1,570mAh iPhone 5S twice? Here’s why: – Devices consume power (“P”) and that is measured in watts. To derive watts, we need to multiply the amperage (“I”) by voltage (“V”)…. Continue Reading →

What to do with old computers

The staffs in the office got new laptops last year (thanks to the government’s PIC grant) but the stockpile of old hardware became an eyesore. What should I do with them? I found out that one of my friend’s a… Continue Reading →

Life with a Diesel Car in Singapore

When it comes to technology, I’m usually an early adopter and there’s no exception when it comes to cars. When I saw a resale BMW 520d (internal code name F10) for almost $20K below what its petrol siblings were asking… Continue Reading →

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