Author Justin Lee

Money in the bank

I’m sure many of you have heard of (or a variant of) the following question: If I gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it? My usual answer is “I don’t know, give it to me first.”… Continue Reading →

Blogging helps language

Trying to restart blogging is like trying to get off cough syrup addiction. I’m having withdrawal symptoms – looking at the WordPress interface makes me nauseous. I actually need to force myself to write. My English is going down a… Continue Reading →

Welcome back

As promised, I will attempt to revive my blogging. As I type, I’m actually watching “The Social Network”. Damn geeky, I know. Not the best movie of all time for a Saturday night. Anyway just to start off the new… Continue Reading →

Offline HTML Mobile Apps

Picking up iOS is quite a bit of work plus you need to buy a Mac to get Xcode running. Yes I know you Hackintosh folks are going to start making some noise but let’s keep this legal. So I’ve… Continue Reading →

IPv6 over GRE in RHEL/CentOS

Note: This article is not about 6-to-4 tunneling. This is about carrying IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time (aka Dual Stack) over a GRE tunnel in RHEL/CentOS I was configuring an existing GRE tunnel on my Linux router when… Continue Reading →

I said hey! What’s goin’ on?

Rite. That’s the title of an old song ‘What’s Up’. I’ve decided to resume blogging. I think it’s good for me… (I hope?) So, I’ve switched jobs. It feels kinda déjà vu since I worked on the same stuff about… Continue Reading →

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